
Skewers is something I have not done much of in the past, but lately we have done that a few times. First of all, its fun. And it is fast, and it looks every so pretty on the grill. Specially if you have varies types of meat and lots of different veggies!

When we were down south on a slittle summer vacation I made a ton of skewers with pork, beef, peppers, mushrooms and zucchinis. The entire grilled was packed! I had to feed most of the family, and they are big eaters!

A few days ago, we had some skewers again. We bought some entrecote in bits in Sweden some time ago, thinking it was gonna be little bits with lovely meat. It turned out to be one lump of meat, with lots of lovely meat on it, but also a fair bit of other things that makes chewing very difficult. So after cuting the good bits off, the meat is just perfect for skewers or stewes. But, the summer is far to hot for stewes!



